25 year old Madrassa teacher to serve 20 years in jail for sodomy

KBC Digital
2 Min Read

A 25 year old Malindi based Madrasaa teacher, who stupefied his 15 years old student, before sodomizing him repeatedly, has been jailed for 20 years.

Yusuf Charo Dole was convicted with the offence of defilement contrary to section 8[1] as read with section 8[3] of the sexual offences act No 3 of 2006.

He is reported to have committed the offence on July 29, 2022 at Mambrui in Magarini Sub County within Kilifi County.

In her verdict, Chief Magistrate Elizabeth Usui ruled the evidence presented by the prosecution was sufficient to support the charge against Dole.

The Prosecution through prosecution Counsels Kennedy Kirui and Barack Chirchir presented four witnesses whose testimonies and exhibits proved the case against the accused person.

Usui further stated that evidence showed the tutor gave the minor a green pill when he went to see the accused after falling ill and instructed him to swallow.

The pill made the boy drowsy and the accused took him to another room where he committed the heinous act.

Usiu observed that despite being incapacitated to move, the victim was able to witness the ordeal being meted on him by his religious teacher.

The accused person undressed the minor sodomizing him repeatedly leaving him to writhe in pain and the trauma made him unable to attend classes or talk to anyone for one week.

He later gained the courage to share his anguish with a classmate,who passed on information with the institution’s management.

The convict disappeared from the institution for one week but was arrested on resuming work.

The court dismissed his defence that he was being framed by the headteacher because of the grudge between him and denied sodomizing the minor.

On identification, the court ruled that the teacher was properly identified by the victim and other students on the fateful day.

The court further ruled that the medical evidence corroborated with the minor’s testimony.

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