Convicted Sexual Offenders Register is now electronic

Beth Nyaga
3 Min Read

The Convicted Sexual Offenders Register is now electronic.

Chief Justice Martha Koome said the Register, which is established under the Sexual Offences Act, serves as a crucial database that holds the records of all convicted sexual offenders countrywide.

The Sexual Offenders Register holds immense potential in safeguarding our communities and empowering survivors.

“Through the establishment of this register, we strive to protect vulnerable individuals, minimize the risk posed by offenders, and provide necessary information to institutions working with minors or vulnerable populations,” the CJ said.

Kenya, being the second country in Africa after South Africa to adopt this register, is paving the way for other nations on the continent.

At the same time, the Chief Justice also launched a Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court (SGBV) Strategy, Child Justice Strategy, and established SGBV Courts in Kibera and Makadara Law Courts.

The strategy aims to empower survivors, ensure their access to justice, and work towards eliminating the scourge of SGBV from our communities.

“By outlining key principles and actions, this strategy establishes a framework for transformative change and offers hope for a safer, more inclusive society,” she said.

The strategy emphasizes the importance of treating survivors with compassion, sensitivity, and respect while upholding their rights throughout the legal process.

This includes providing survivor support services and ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making and court proceedings.

The SGBV Strategy emphasizes specialized training programs that provide judges, magistrates, and court staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle SGBV cases effectively. This includes understanding the dynamics of gender-based violence and being aware of the social and cultural factors that influence these cases.

By equipping judicial officers with the tools they need, the strategy seeks to promote fair, impartial, and informed decision-making in SGBV cases.

The initiatives are in line with the strategic focus of the Judiciary to transform the justice system into a people-centered one that upholds the dignity and rights of all Kenyans, especially those who suffer from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, child abuse and exploitation.


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