EACC to launch 2023 corruption survey Wednesday

Margaret Kalekye
2 Min Read

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) will Wednesday, March 26, release the National Ethics and Corruption Survey 2023.

The launch to be held at the Integrity Centra will be presided over by Commission’s Chairman David Oginde and Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Twalib Mbarak.

The survey will provide data on perceived corruption levels.

“The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has conducted the National Ethics and Corruption Survey, 2023 providing data on the perceptions, magnitude, forms and levels of corruption in Kenya, including ranking of Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Counties based on perceived corruption levels,” the commission said on X.

Although significant strides have been made in the fight against corruption globally, regionally and nationally, corruption remains a major challenge in Kenya.

Global corruption indices and findings by several corruption surveys show that more needs to be done in the fight against corruption in Kenya.

The 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index shows that Kenya dropped from 32 to 31 points.

In light of the developments, the Commission last year launched a Strategic Plan spelling out strategic direction and focus on combating and preventing corruption and promoting ethics over the 2023-2028 Plan period.

The plan provides the key results areas and the key measures to be taken on: law enforcement; prevention; education, training and awareness; and promotion of ethics and integrity which are critical towards reduction of the prevalence of corruption and unethical practices in Kenya.

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