Ekeza founder David Gakuyo to spend another night behind bars

Ruth Wamboi
1 Min Read
Bishop David Kariuki Ngare widely known as Gakuyo

The Director of Criminal Investigation Mohammed Amin wants the Court to allow his officers to detain Bishop David Kariuki Ngare widely known as Gakuyo for a period of four days.

The officers urged the Court to grant them the days to enable them complete investigations relating to conspiracy to defraud members of the public over Ksh 1 billion by three companies owned by the embattled Bishop.

Gakuyo will now spend the night at the Muthaiga police cells awaiting Friday’s court’s ruling whether to be freed or detained as per DCI’s request.

The Investigating officer Benard Gikandi told Senior Resident Magistrate Geofrey Onsarigo that the accused swindled billions of shillings from members using his three Investment companies Ekeza Sacco, Gakuyo Real Estate and Gakuyo Investors Club.

Investigating officers believe he was running away to avoid being arrested and charged.

Sentiments that received very strong objections by a battery of lawyers representing Gakuyo urging the court to dismiss the DCI request arguing it lacks merit.

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