First Lady joins Salvation Army 100 years celebrations

KBC Digital
2 Min Read

The First Lady, Mama Rachel Ruto, has joined the Salvation Army in Kenya to celebrate 100 years of their existence. Salvation Army in Kenya started through the efforts of three railway builders who came to Kenya in 1896 to work on the building of the Kenya-Uganda railway.

As one of the earliest churches in East Africa, The Salvation Army has been a steadfast beacon of hope, bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of our country for a century.

The First Lady commended the Salvation Army for their commitment to go where they are needed most, even in difficult circumstances, which exemplifies the spirit of being soldiers of Christ.

Mama Rachel Ruto noted the numerous areas of alignment between the Salvation Army and the Government’s Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

These common interests present opportunities for collaboration that can further strengthen our collective efforts in areas such as women’s economic empowerment, national tree-growing campaigns, technical vocational training, and healthcare.

The celebrations were also attended by Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, the Commissioner Bronwyn as World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, Salvation Army International; Colonel Anne Kiama, Territorial Commander and Territorial President; and the Women’s Ministry and Members of The Salvation Army Women’s Ministry.

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