Government digitizes power of mercy petition process

Sally Namuye
2 Min Read

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Authority in collaboration with the Power of Mercy Advisory Committee (POMAC), has launched an online Power of Mercy Petitions Management Information System (ePOMPMIS) that seeks to enhance transparency, accountability, participation, collaboration and feedback on the petitions process.

Speaking during the launch, Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, Felix Koskei lauded POMAC for digitizing government services as part of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Plan (BETA)   saying the system will increase efficiency in service delivery and transparency.

“I commend the Power of Mercy Committee and the ICT Authority for digitizing the entire petition process which aligns with the government’s ambition of taking advantage of the ICT infrastructure gains made in the last two decades. I am informed that the petition process is available on the e-citizen platform and would like us to ensure that all stakeholders access the services without any issues.” said Koskei.

Attorney General and Chairman of the POMAC, Justin Muturi said 19,125 reformed criminal offenders have been rejoined with their families since 2011 and the digitization of the process will foster stronger reforms in the correctional services institutions and will also help petitioners track their cases online.

“Indeed, the government has once again demonstrated its competence and trustworthy in delivering its services to the people. I must note with appreciation, the efficiency which this system brings. I would like to thank the government and all stakeholders involved for making this possible as we keep delivering our mandate as POMAC,” he said.

The Power of Mercy Act 21 of 2011(Revised 2016) states that any person may, subject to the Constitution and the Act, petition the President, through the Committee, to exercise the power of mercy and grant any relief as specified in Article 133(1) of the Constitution, the system can be accessed by all stakeholders and members of the public through

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