Gov’t keen on supporting dairy sector revitalization efforts

Gene Gituku
2 Min Read

A delegation led by Principal Secretary in charge of the state department of trade Alfred Kombudo has undertaken a benchmarking tour of Githunguri Dairies.

Speaking at the Githinguri processing plant, Kombudo emphasized the significance of reducing production costs and securing a stable market for locally produced goods.

“A bottom-up approach is what is going to take the country forward, and a key sector is the dairy industry. We are taking the revitalization of the dairy sector very seriously,” Kombudo remarked.

The Githunguri firm has established an effective cooperative model that efficiently collects produce from farmers and provides streamlined industrial processes to create value-added products.

Addressing the challenges of dairy farming, Principal Secretary for agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and irrigation Harry Kimtai, revealed the government’s multi-pronged strategy saying that the government plans to provide semen sexing to ensure farmers have access to the right breed of dairy cows that yield higher milk production.

Additionally, he mentioned the government is focused on reducing the cost of production, including the significant expense of animal feed, which accounts for approximately 60% of production costs.

Kimtai also highlighted the government’s commitment to disease control through collaborations with vaccine manufacturers, ensuring direct access to vaccines for cooperatives.

Patrick Kiburi Kilemi, the PS of Cooperatives and MSME’s, underscored the pivotal role of dairy cooperatives in Kenya’s economy.

Kilemi emphasized that the dairy sector’s extensive product chain plays a vital role in economic growth, and with effective management, it can become a strong economic pillar.

The benchmarking tour of Githunguri Dairies has ignited a renewed focus on sustainability, production efficiency, and value addition in the dairy sector.

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