Gov’t to accord Kelvin Kiptum heroic send-off

Prudence Wanza
2 Min Read

The government will support marathon World marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum’s family in providing a fitting farewell for the late national hero.

In a cabinet meeting chaired by President William Ruto at State house, the cabinet paid tribute to Kiptum describing him as a sporting power house whose record shattering achievements inspired millions around the world.

The meeting observed a minute’s silence in honor of both Kiptum and his coach Garvis Hakizimana, who both died in a car accident on Sunday night.

The cabinet also noted ongoing interventions by the Ministry of Sports to better protect Kenya’s sporting icons and urged all road users to uphold traffic laws and practice safe road use.

Kiptum and his Rwandese coach died in a tragic road accident Sunday night in the Kaptagat area along the Elgeyo Marakwet-Ravine road.

Kiptum is said to have been the one driving the vehicle heading to Eldoret when he lost control of the vehicle before veering off the road and hitting a tree.

Kiptum’s marathon record of two hours and 35 seconds, set during last year’s Chicago marathon was ratified a week ago with his team announcing that he was to attempt to run the distance in under two hours at the Rotterdam marathon, a feat that has never been achieved in open competition.

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