Jebet and Simiyu win at the third AK Cross Country in Bomet

Bernard Okumu
2 Min Read


World Cross Country Cross Country bronze Medalist Agnes Jebet Ngetich and Daniel Simiyu triumphed at the third leg of Athletics Kenya Cross Cory Meet held at Kyongong Grounds, Bomet County on Saturday.

Jebet continued with her superb form that saw her break the Women’s Only 10km World record in Romania in September and says she is using the cross country meetings as part of her Paris 2024 Olympic preparations where she will be competing in 10,000m.

World 10,000m silver medalist Simiu whose gesture of sportsmanship during the World Road Running Championships earned him a nomination for the World Athletics International Fair Play Award says he is looking to represent the country at the 2024  World Cross County in Belgrade, Serbia.

In Latvia, Simiu allowed compatriot Sabastian Sawe to win the race while making saluting and smiling at Sawe.

6km Junior Women

Mercy  Chepkoech 19.24.88

Diana Cherotich 19.27.09

Diana Chepkemoi 19.57.67

Carren Chepngeno 19.59.87

Joyline Chepkemoi 20.07.00

Judy kemuto 20.16.28

8km Junior Men

Gideon Kipbgetich 23.00.85

Mathew Kipkoech 23.07.54

Kipyegon Korir 23.18.67

Kevib kiprop  23.22.84

Festus kimoruo 23.25.41

Titus kiprotich 23.35.41

10km Senior Women

Agnes Jebet Ngetich 31.55.52

Cynthia Chepnegno 32.59.88

Sandra Chebet 32.11.97

Emily Chebet 33.43.87

Diana Chepkorir 33.47.39

Mercy Chepkorir 33.56.41

10km Senior Men

Daniel Simiu 28.41.71

Edwin Bett 28.45.15

Vincent Langat 28.45.63

Brian Kiptoo 28.54.73

Robert Kiprop 29.09.39

Reynold Kipkorir 29.13.70






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