Kajiado: Public land boundary row resolved after 50 years

KBC Correspondent
2 Min Read
Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku

A 50-year simmering town public land boundary conflict at Dalalekutuk ward in Kajiado Central Sub-County has been solved amicably after years of tensions.

Following an alleged skewed subdivision of the former Oloomunyi group ranch, the town boundaries were not well defined pitting members against each other without a definite town cut line. Earlier attempts to solve the matter have been met with resistance by a section of locals occupying the public land.

However, both National and County Surveyors in presence of Local leadership and members of public picked coordinates and erected new beacons setting aside public utilities land and the planned shopping centre.

Some individuals were found to have constructed their homes in other members’ pieces of land and a public primary fell on private land.

Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku who witnessed the exercise lauded the process saying the tension in the area has come down and all the parties concerned were satisfied with the joint efforts of both the County Government and the National Government.

Kajiado Senator Samuel Seki asked the county government to help the residents rehabilitate roads within the shopping centre as per new boundaries.

He further reached out to local leaders to ensure enough public utilities land has been set aside and insisted on fair allocation of the town plots to the genuine members

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