New strategy by Lamu leaders to keep youth away from destructive behaviour

Dickson Wekesa
1 Min Read

Leaders from the Lamu East sub-county in Lamu County have unveiled a new strategy to help keep young people from the area away from destructive behavior.

Lamu East MP Ruweida Obbo Mohamed, has, for instance, introduced football tournaments in her constituency to engage youth in meaningful activities.

She indicated that areas such as Pate Island have been witnessing cases of brutal killings of government officers who try to fight the drug menace. And she is particularly concerned that, if nothing is done, the youth will engage in drug abuse and criminal activities.

She said her tournaments will allow the youth to nurture their talents while coaches tap the same talents for economic benefit.

The region has lost several police officers and local administrators including Chiefs and their assistants to cold murders, masterminded by gangs operating in the area.

During the NGCDF football tournament finals held at Chundwa primary school grounds in Pate Island on Monday, the winner went home with Ksh. 200,000 as the first runners-up took Sh. 100,000 while the second runners-up gets Ksh. 50,000.

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