Oliech and Beyond hoops to hold football festival in Riruta

Bernard Okumu
1 Min Read

Former Harambee stars striker, Dennis Oliech has partnered with Beyond Hoops organization for the launch of Dare to Dream sports festival to be held at Riruta stadium this weekend.

Oliech, a former Harambee Stars forward, has collaborated with Beyond Hoops, a non-profit sports organization, to develop Dare to Dream.

According to Beyond Hoops CEO Mr.James Kamau,the Dare To Dream Festival 2023 is set  to identify, nature ,inspire and empower youths.

“We want to change the lives of these young boys and girls  from Dagoretti area and plan to do it all across the country.’’

’’I am happy to partner with Beyond Hoops Africa to help youths from Dagoretti live their dreams.I made it from Dagoretti and I will guide them and make sure they also get to play football in Europe and USA.’’ Said Former Harambee Stars captain Dennis Oliech.

The festival will involve 5 sports disciplines namely; football, basketball, freestyle football and E-sports.

The event will be used to select Dagoretti area All Star Teams for both boys and girls who will take part in the Africa Connect International Trials to be held later this year at the Lenana School.

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