Paracetamol solution-Tamedol recalled over quality concerns

Margaret Kalekye
2 Min Read

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has recalled Tamedol oral solution, a pain reliever over quality concerns.

The board in a statement said it had received multiple market complaints on the quality of several batches of Paracetamol oral solution, 120mg/ 5m1, 60 mls) manufactured by Biopharma LTD, Kenya.

Upon investigation, PPB established that the medical product failed to meet the prescribed market authorization requirements.

Consequently, the PPB has advised all pharmaceutical outlets, healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals and members of the public to take immediate action which includes a stop to further distribution, sale, or use of the drug.

Additionally, members of the public have also been urged to return the product to their nearest healthcare facility, while healthcare facilities are instructed to return the products to their respective suppliers.

“In response to these concerns, the PPB upon investigations, indeed confirmed that the product FAILED to meet the prescribed market authorization requirements and has initiated mandatory recall of the product by the manufacturer in line with Section 3A(i) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Cap. 244)” said PPB CEO Dr Fred Siyoi.

The public has been advised to remain vigilant at all times and promptly report any suspected cases of sub-standard medicines or adverse drug reactions.

“The PPB wishes to assure the public that we have implemented rigorous measures to guarantee that medicines supplied to the Kenyan market adhere to the requisite standards of quality, safety and efficacy” assured Siyoi.

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