Pastor Dorcas calls for higher capitation for PWD Schools

Muraya Kamunde
4 Min Read
Pastor Dorcas Rigathi gives her address at the ACK St. Monica School for those with mental disabilities, Embu, on Thursday 18th January

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi decried the status of schools for those with disabilities, and called for a higher education capitation allocation.

Speaking at the ACK St. Monica School for those with mental disabilities on Thursday, Pastor Dorcas it was a sad situation where those with disabilities lacked food and basic amenities to facilitate their learning.

“As we work towards the inclusion of those who are differently abled, their capitation should consider their teachers, and also ensure they have food. How can those with disabilities be in school and they cannot be fed? Surely, there is something that has happened in our community. This is wrong,” she said.

She challenged officers in both the national and county governments to consider the plight of PWDs, noting that they have other physical and mental challenges facing their lives.

“We must up our game in both the national and county government, and we must also legislate for their rights and welfare. We take the children with disabilities to schools where there are no facilities to accommodate their smooth learning, how they go to the toilet and, how they move around,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She said that adopting the PWDs as a pillar in her office meant she would be the voice of the voiceless, the face of the faceless and the feet of those who have no feet by advocating for their rights.

She challenged the teachers and management of ACK St. Monica School to prepare their pupils to take part in the next Special Olympics Games. Last year, the Kenyan team brought home 15 gold medals, four silver medals and six bronze medals despite their disability.

Pastor Dorcas is the patron of Special Olympics Kenya team. “We are going to partner and see how we are going to get these children participate in the Special Olympics,” she said.

The Head teacher, Stephen Kingori, said the school was established in 1984 and was a public boarding school with 142 learners, 68 boys and 74 girls.

Deputy Governor Justus Mugo urged parents with children who are mentally challenged not to hide them.

“Children with mental challenges have rights, and are skilled. We have seen them here sew decorative things using beads at a very fast speed, and I cannot do it myself, and I am abled. But they despite their disability are making beautiful crafts at an incredible speed,” he said.

Woman Rep Pamela Njoki encouraged parents of children with disabilities to have them registered for the monthly Ksh 2,000 stipend from government to supplement their daily needs.

Senator Alexander Muchangi encouraged the children that the national assembly had legislatures with disabilities and they should not be discouraged to become great in their lives.

“You can also become a senator or MP,” said Senator Muchangi.

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