Police Reservist killed, two injured by bandits in Baringo

Joshua Chesire
1 Min Read

A National Police Reservist has been shot dead while a deputy head teacher and a rider are nursing gunshot wounds following an attack by bandits at the Nosukuro area in Baringo South.

The Reservist, part of a four-member team guarding Nosukuro primary school was fatally shot in the chest and his firearm seized by the assailants. ‘

The reservist, one of four who guard the Nosukuro primary school met his untimely death after

The injured are recuperating at Baringo County referral hospital even as local leaders pointed aaccusing finger at local authorities for doing little to intervene in the menace that has already claimed 9 lives in Baringo this year alone.

The surge in violence has also prompted the closure of five schools in Baringo North, namely Kosile, Ngaratuko, Kibenos, Kagir, and Yatya, as residents flee the area, feeling besieged by bandits who now operate with impunity, enforcing a rule of lawlessness.

The death toll from banditry in Baringo County has risen to nine this year alone.

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