Ministers of culture and heads of delegations from African countries, unanimously agreed to establish frameworks for enhancing cultural cooperation among African states and to deliberate on the necessary mechanisms for the development of common cultural efforts which will benefit, both present and future.
The meeting was held in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on the 22nd May 2023, where the leaders acknowledged the important role played by King Mohammed VI, in enhancing South-South cooperation and supporting the inclusive development in the African continent.
Other issue discussed at length by the leaders emphasized on the leading role of the Kingdom of Morocco in countering violence and preventing extremism, and fighting against separatism, as well as in establishing a continent wide-peace and security.

Efforts undertaken by governments and cultural bodies in African countries in alleviating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting cultural diversity, safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as guaranteeing citizens’ access to cultural services as a human right enshrined in international laws and treaties was among the deliberations agreed upon.
The forum reiterated the strong cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and UNESCO Organization in the fields of protection and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in African countries.
The one day meeting also put emphasis on the importance of respecting cultural diversity, linguistic plurality, and promoting intercultural dialogue, as well as guaranteeing free movement rights for artists and professionals to travel and work across the African continent.
The leaders reaffirmed their support for strengthening and enhancing cultural cooperation, both bilaterally and multilaterally, among African countries, to achieve sustainable development goals, develop cultural tourism, fight illicit trafficking of cultural properties and goods, develop cultural and creative industries, exchange best practices and experiences in cultural professions, arts, and heritage, and create opportunities for youth to enhance their creative and artistic skills.
It also stressed the need to consolidate the role of African youth in Africa and in the diaspora countries regarding issues related to African cultural heritage preservation and safeguarding.
The leaders unanimously convinced that cultural diplomacy is crucial for serving the issues of continental integration in various fields and stressed on the need of reinforcement of mechanisms of cultural diplomacy, to ensure the inclusive growth and prosperity of citizens within a unified continent on the inside of a peaceful, stable and developed context.
At the same time the forum reached an agreement on calling for the adoption of an African charter of cultural and creative industries and calling for the necessity of engaging other ministers of culture within Rabat declaration for reinforcement of cultural cooperation in the continent and as well as applying its resolutions