Section of MPs threaten to impeach Health CS over ongoing strike

Joseph Wakhungu
1 Min Read

A section of Members of Parliament have threatened to impeach Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha for allegedly handling ongoing strikes in an incompetent manner.

The threats came on a day the striking doctors vowed not to relent despite a court ruling ordering them back to work.

The medics have vowed to stay put, accusing the government of failing to end the strike.

Meanwhile, the Government has pleaded with the doctors to accept its offer to solve the crisis.

Speaking in Naivasha, Koskei Chief of Staff Felix Koskei said the government could not afford the Ksh 12 billion demand to pay the salaries of over 1,200 interns.

At the same time, Clinical officers who also went on strike on Monday this week are accusing governors of undermining their right to hold industrial action.

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