USAID engages boda riders to reduce GBV, teenage pregnancies

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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Boresha Jamii program has partnered with Bodaboda Medical Ventures to engage bodaboda riders as agents of change in fight against the triple threat.

The chairman of Bodaboda Medical Ventures Steve Mwalati urged all members of the society to also partner in reducing cases of HIV infections, Gender and Sexual Violence cases and Teenage pregnancies.

He said during an outreach program in Kakamega that through support from USAID they have engaged and capacity build over 2500 bodaboda riders from Kakamega, Vihiga, and Trans Nzoia counties.

Mwalati noted that they are aiming to reach out to as many bodaboda riders as possible and especially those in rural areas who lack information.

He noted that most bodaboda riders are normally blamed for contributing to increasing cases of teenage pregnancies, noting that engaging them will help in addressing those cases.

This comes as Kakamega Governor’s spouse Prof. Janet Kasili Barasa intensifies fight against the triple threat through her campaign by distributing sanitary towels and condemning the vice.

According to statistics, the prevalence of teenage pregnancies in Kakamega is at 25%. The County recorded 12,057 teenage pregnancies in 2022.

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