Governor Waiguru calls for establishment of infrastructure development fund in towns 

KBC Digital
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Council of Governors (COG) has called for the establishment of a dedicated fund to finance infrastructure projects in cities and towns in the wake of floods that have affected most of the areas.

COG Chair Anne Waiguru said the infrastructure funding model from the exchequer will be used to develop roads, storm water drains, sewer lines, non-motorized transport, fire stations, recreational facilities and markets among others.

Waiguru noted that due to rapid urbanization, cities and urban areas needs to expand their infrastructure and services to escape from some of the climate change challenges like floods.

She said development of additional infrastructure and delivery of services required in the towns needs lots of resources.

The Chair said urban residents are the most affected by climate change due to poor planning, housing and lack of basic infrastructure, that are resilient to the climate shocks.

Speaking during launch of the second Kenya Urban Support Program (KUSP II) at State House, Nairobi, the Kirinyaga Governor said rapid urbanization remains a global challenge, particularly in emerging countries like Kenya and this calls for a dedicated model of financing development of infrastructure and services.

“I consider this program a major milestone in our drive to build resilient cities and urban areas with enhanced quality of life for current and future generations,” the Chair said.

Waiguru pointed out that Kenya Kwanza’s Affordable Housing Program and the Kenya Urban Support Program will help address some of the challenges facing people living in towns.

She said with the support of development partners and the private sector, Kenya can overcome some of the climate changes challenges like floods beings witnessed in urban centres due to lack of a proper drainage system and other infrastructures.

The Chair said noted that the first phase saw massive investments in urban infrastructure and services within the 59 benefitting municipalities in the 45 benefitting Counties which included: 202 km of roads improved, 171 km of non-motorized transport, 192 km of storm water drains, 31 km of sewer line, 12 fire stations, 12 recreational facilities and 16 retail markets benefiting over 20,000 traders and creating over 200,000 jobs among others.

Waiguru said apart from the 59 benefitting municipalities, County Governments have been able to establish an additional ones to totaling to 107 charted municipalities.

“I also wish to let you know that during the program period, Nakuru Municipality was elevated to City Status and Eldoret and Thika Municipalities are currently in the process of being conferred the city status,” she added.

She commended Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development for embracing the principle of consultation and cooperation between the two levels of Governments during the design of the program.

“County Governments and their urban institutions are committed to full implementation of the program. This will be guided by the numerous lessons learnt in KUSP I,” Waiguru said.


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