Home NEWS Local News KCPE: Girls excel in languages as boys shine in sciences

KCPE: Girls excel in languages as boys shine in sciences


Female candidates in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam performed better in languages than their male counterparts.

During the release of the KCPE examination results at Mitihani House in Nairobi, Education CS Ezekiel Machogu said female candidates performed slightly better than their male counterparts in English, Kiswahili and Kenyan Sign Language.

On the other hand, male candidates performed slightly better in Mathematics and Science as compared to females.

“The performance of male and female candidates was comparable in Social Studies and Religious Education,” said Machogu.

The CS noted that English Language and Kenyan Sign Language Composition, recorded an improvement in performance in 2023 when compared with the year 2022.

Eight subjects; English Composition, Kiswahili, Kiswahili Insha, Kenya Sign Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Religious Education recorded a slight drop in performance in the year 2023 when compared to the year 2022.

In the 2023 KCPE examination, 8,523 candidates (0.60%) attained a score of 400 marks and above.

According to CS, this was a drop compared with the 2022 KCPE examination when 9,443 candidates (0.76%) scored 400 marks and above.

“The percentage of candidates scoring between 300 and 399 was comparable to last year with a percentage score 31 of 24.94% (307,756) in 2022 and 24.92% (352,782) in 2023,” Machogu said.
