Mary Mungai elected vice chair of Council of African Regulators

Margaret Kalekye
2 Min Read
Communications Authority of Kenya board chair Mary Wambui Mungai

Communications Authority of Kenya board chair Mary Mungai has been elected the Vice Chairperson of the Council of African Regulators (CAR), a consultative forum for ICT regulators within the Smart Africa Alliance.

Ms Mungai settled for the Vice Chairperson’s position after emerging second in the Chairperson’s race, which was won by Mamady Doumbouya, the Director General of the Regulatory Authority for Posts and Telecommunications for Guinea Conakry, with 12 votes.

Mungai garnered seven votes while Malawi’s Daud Suleman, the Director General of the Communications Regulatory Authority, came in third with four votes.

Elections for the position took place at the 13th meeting of the Council of African Regulators in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Smart Africa is a Pan-African agency for ICTs started in 2013 as a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socioeconomic development on the continent through access to broadband and usage of ICTs.

Ms Mungai’s election comes barely two months after Kenya won the bid to host the Transform Africa Summit (TAS) later in the year from 28th to 30th August 2024.

Hosted annually by Smart Africa, the TAS is the continent’s leading forum bringing together over 5,000 delegates comprising regional and global leaders to discuss ways of accelerating Africa’s digital transformation.








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