Ruto: I am creating jobs for Kenyans, courts shouldn’t stand in the way

Eric Biegon
2 Min Read

President William Ruto has reiterated his commitment to fulfil his promises to Kenyans during the 2022 general elections.

He cited numerous programmes launched by his administration to transform the fortunes of all citizens, especially the young people of Kenya. Through investments in the Digital Economy, for instance, the head of state says he will continue to create an enabling environment for everyone to thrive.

“Mimi nitajaza kompyuta ndani (ya ICT Hubs). Nitwaweka mtandao wa internet ndani, na hawa vijana waje wajipange, wajifunze, mwezi moja waanze kufanya kazi Marekani, Ujerumani waweke dola kwa mfuko ndio tuweze kumalize mambo ya kukosekana kwa kazi Kenya hii,” he said

The President who was in Bungoma County Laying the foundation stone for the Affordable Housing Programme in Kanduyi, said no one, including the judiciary, should deny Kenyans an opportunity to benefit from programmes being rolled out by the government.

He said the Affordable Housing Programme which has been at the centre of dispute including in the courts, is aimed at allowing millions of young people to earn an income through jobs availed in the programme and did not understand why anyone would oppose it.

“Those in the Judiciary ought to know the position of the people of Kenya. The Constitution of Kenya Section 43 protects the rights of housing amongst other economic and social rights of the people of Kenya,” he said

Leading the administration currently in place, Ruto says he needs to be allowed to execute his plans for the country.

“The people voted overwhelmingly for the housing plan in our manifesto in the last general election. Parliament voted overwhelmingly for laws to establish the housing fund and all the attendant legal requirements. We have discharged our responsibility to the people of Kenya, and we want to give an opportunity to millions of Kenyans through this programme,” maintained the head of state

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