Mackenzie jailed for 12 months for possessing, distributing unclassified films

Margaret Kalekye
2 Min Read
Photo by ODPP

A Malindi court Friday sentenced Shakahola massacre prime suspect Paul Mackenzie Nthenge to one year in jail for illegally distributing films associated with his radical preaching.

Senior Resident Magistrate Olga Onalo further jailed Mackenzie for six months for operating a filming studio without a valid license.

The court convicted Makenzie on 10th November 2023 for the two offences related to the illegal exhibition of films to the public through Times Television without the approval of the Kenya Film Classification Board.

He was charged with operating a filming studio and producing films without a valid filming license from the Kenya Classification Board, contrary to Section 4 of the Films and Stage Play Act, Cap. 222 of the laws of Kenya.

Onalo further found him guilty of being in possession of and distributing films that had not been classified contrary to Section 12 of the Films and Stage Plays Act, Cap. 222.

Makenzie committed both offenses jointly with others, not before the court on 11th  January 2019 and 11th April, 2019, at Good News International Church in Malindi Township, Malindi Sub-County, within Kilifi County.

In her ruling, Onalo stated that the prosecution, through Senior Prosecution Counsel Joseph Mwangi and Prosecution Counsel Kennedy Kirui proved the case against Mackenzie beyond any reasonable doubt.

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