SHIF offers significant benefits over NHIF – PS Muthoni

Eric Biegon
2 Min Read

The new Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) presents considerable advantages for the Kenyan public compared to the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), according to Public Health Principal Secretary Muthoni.

Amid questions regarding the government’s decision to transition to the new health plan, the PS reiterated on Wednesday that the Social Health Insurance Fund is well-equipped to meet the healthcare needs of all Kenyans and advance universal health coverage in the country.

“SHIF is an improvement over NHIF. It aims to provide health insurance to all citizens, including those in the informal sector and vulnerable groups,” she stated.

The PS elaborated that SHIF is especially important because it offers a wider range of health services, including outpatient care, chronic disease management, and specialized treatments.

She further noted that the new health plan will ensure equitable access to healthcare services, addressing disparities in access and outcomes that existed under NHIF.

“SHIF’s contribution system is based on income levels, making it more progressive and equitable than the flat-rate system used by NHIF,” she shared on her X page.

Muthoni encouraged Kenyans to embrace the new system, highlighting numerous advantages such as broader treatment coverage, especially for treatments that were previously limited under NHIF.

“SHIF offers enhanced outpatient, inpatient, and emergency care, as well as coverage for mental health care, critical illnesses, and major surgeries,” explained the PS.

In the meantime, the PS continues to oversee the registration process for Social Health Insurance, engaging with stakeholders to understand the challenges encountered during the transition. Muthoni, who was in Machakos County, indicated that the response from Kenyans has been highly encouraging.

“This engagement underscores our commitment to ensuring a seamless transition and enhancing access to quality healthcare for all,” she said.

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