Turkish Embassy in Kenya funds borehole in Migori County

Christine Muchira
2 Min Read

Residents of Uriri Sub-County in Migori have benefited from a water borehole that was sunk by the Turkish Embassy Religious Consulate to Kenya.

The water projected which costs Ksh 5.2 million will serve more than 10,000 households-Oyani residents by easing the heavy burden that women have incurred in search of the precious commodity.

Migori County Women Member of Parliament Fatuma Mohammed commended the Turkish investment, emphasizing its direct impact on the community’s water accessibility.

Fatuma said that she will continue to engage like-minded International partners to invest in the county to improve the living standards of the Migori People.

“We want to have project’s universality where our international communities living in Kenya can partner with both the national and county governments in bettering the living standards of our people through developmental and beneficial projects”, said Fatuma.

Turkish Embassy Religious Consulate to Kenya, Mohamet Fattih, urged the community to take care of the borehole, the solar panel, and tap installations for their use to alleviate perennial water problems in the area.

Asha Mohamed, a resident of Oyani Village and the beneficiary of the project expressed her gratitude to the Turkish embassy’s willingness to invest in the local communities through the provision of clean water.

Asha said that the newly constructed water point will ease the long journeys in search of water from river Oyani which had become quite tiresome to the majority of women and children.

She emphasized the project’s significance, particularly during this Ramadhan period, highlighting its broader benefits beyond the Muslim community.

In 2023 Turkish Embassy Religious Consulate to Kenya commissioned similar water projects worth Shs 10 million in the semi-arid area of Nyatike Sub County.

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