Eric Omondi’s legal troubles continue

Doreen Wamugunda
2 Min Read

Comedian Eric Omondi is once again entangled in legal troubles after he was arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts on Monday.

This latest court appointment comes after the comedian led a protest outside Parliament on June 4th, which involved scattering cabbages to symbolize the struggles of ordinary Kenyans facing economic hardships due to the proposed Finance Bill 2024.

The protest dubbed the “Mama Mboga Revolution,” rallied over 200 women who joined him in highlighting the burden that new taxes would place on low-income earners.

Omondi was arrested during this demonstration for creating a disturbance, which temporarily disrupted traffic near the Parliament buildings but was later released on cash bail.

On Monday morning, the comedian was once again arrested on his way to Tanzania and arraigned in court before being released on a cash bail of Kshs. 5,000.

This was not the first time Omondi resorted to eye-catching tactics to advocate for the rights of ordinary Kenyans.

Recently, the comedian was arrested on Mashujaa Day after he organised a rally to honour protesters who lost their lives during the Anti-Finance Bill protests in June.

Omondi, who was disguised in women’s clothing, was arrested shortly after he arrived at Uhuru Park where the event was scheduled to take place.

He was later released after mass appeals from Kenyans on social media.

Omondi’s activism, often theatrical, is part of a broader campaign where he has promised to hold leaders accountable on behalf of struggling Kenyans.

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