KU medical students set for KUTRRH onboarding on Monday

Margaret Kalekye
3 Min Read

The first cohort of 100 Kenyatta University School of Medicine students will access the Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital (KUTRRH) facilities early next week, following the recent Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC) regulatory accreditation.

According to KUTRRH CEO Ahmed Dagane, the level six facility is all set to onboard Kenyatta University School of Medicine students per the regulatory procedures outlined by KMPDC to undertake patient bedside teaching (BST).

As part of the reception protocols, KUTRRH, he said, had already shared an Onboarding Letter with Kenyatta University, outlining a detailed two-day orientation process and programme commencing Monday morning for the students and their supervisors.

“Medical Training in Kenya is undertaken through a strict regulatory regime involving KMPDC accreditation to ensure quality assurance. The onboarding protocols have been outlined and shared with Kenyatta University to facilitate entry of the first 100 School of Medicine and Surgery Undergraduate students. We look forward to welcoming the students and their supervisors on Monday,” said Dagane.

Upon entry and orientation on Monday, the students, he explained, will undergo clinical rotation in five wards, renal unit, and oncology department, including access to the CyberKnife, Brachytherapy, Linac and Chemotherapy pharmacy treatment areas.

The students will also access the accident and Emergency department, Pathology services, Radiology and Imaging department, and Surgery Department, including BST access to the seven KUTTRH Surgical Wards and seven surgical operation theatres.

As per legal Notice No. 4 of 2019, KU Medical Students will also enjoy priority access to medical education support facilities, including three auditoriums, shared office spaces, seminar and board rooms.

Kenyatta University’s Postgraduate students of Medicine, Nursing, Undergraduate students in (Public Health, Biomedical Engineering, Health Records and Informatics, Nutrition) and other students who do not require regulatory approval will continue with their placements at KUTRRH as they have been doing since 2020.

At KUTRRH, KU School of Medicine, undergraduate and postgraduate students will enjoy access to state-of-the-art medical training amenities, including wards and laboratories at the level six National Referral and Research Hospital with a 650-bed capacity.










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