Nakhumicha completes the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program

KBC Digital
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The Cabinet Secretary for Health Nakhumicha S Wafula has accomplished the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program which supports government Ministers with pivotal economic and human development-related responsibilities to exercise purposeful leadership and achieve transformative policy goals.

Nakhumicha who is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly [UNGA] where where top officials will discuss the yearly agenda and global issues acknowledged the significance of the forum as an opportunity which which will steer her ambitious target of initiating structures aimed at improving the standards of health in the Country.

“This past week,I attended and successfully completed the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program.The forum allowed for knowledge sharing among the participants as it brought together distinguished practitioners amongst them Dr Julio Frenk who shared with us the pillars for Mexico’s UHC program that has significantly minimised disparity in healthcare quality and improved access to healthcare services in rural settings” she wrote.

Launched in 2012, the Ministerial Program is a joint initiative of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education in collaboration with Big Win Philanthropy.

In the Unites States,Nakhumicha is expected to use the platform of embracing strategies geared towards achieving Universal Health Coverage [UHC] which is crucial for fulfilling the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [SDG] and realizing the fundamental human right to health as enshrined in President William Ruto’s Bottom-Up Transformation Agenda [BETA].

To reach the goal of UHC, substantial public sector investment and accelerated action by governments and development partners are essential. Key actions include a radical reorientation of health systems towards a primary health care approach, advancing equity in health-care access and financial protection, and investing in robust health information systems.

Pandemic preparedness, UHC, and tuberculosis (TB) will be at the centre of global talks at the United Nations this week, with the health sector ramping up pressure on leaders to make good on commitments towards the health SDGs.

The UN High-Level Meeting presents an opportunity for countries and stakeholders to renew efforts and accelerate progress toward achieving health for all. This will serve as the foundation for executing policies and ensuring responsibility for strengthening health systems for the future, building on the 2019 Political Declaration.

President William Ruto is among the leaders attending the global event where he has called on the international community to mobilize and direct resources towards addressing impediments to Sustainable Development Goals which many countries, especially in Africa, have been unable to implement due to hindrances such as debt, inflation, climate shocks and conflicts.

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