University unions call off week-long strike

Yusuf Farah
1 Min Read

The Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) and the Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) have called off their week-long strike after a meeting with the inter-ministerial committee led to the signing of a return to work formula.

The agreement will see the employees in grades13A to 15A get a 7pc salary hike while those in grades 10A to 12A will get a 10pc salary increment by October this year.

The employer is also expected to withdraw unconditionally the case in court against the staff and not victimize or take disciplinary action against those who took part in the strike.

Retirement age for all KUSU members of staff in the teaching laboratories, and the University Librarians shall be harmonized and set at 65 years while retirement age for all academic members of staff shall be harmonized at 70 years for Graduate Assistant, Tutorial Fellow and Assistant Lecturer; and 74 years for Senior Lecturers, Associate Professors and Professor.

A National Implementation Committee comprising representatives from both parties of the Union and the Employer shall oversee the execution of the agreed details of the Collective Bargaining Agreements.

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