Wambua, Nyoro ranked best performing lawmakers

Adan Ibrahim
1 Min Read

Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua has been ranked the best performing senator by a survey conducted by Politrack Africa with a score of  73.2pc.

Deputy Senate Speaker who is also the Meru senator is ranked second with 71.1pc in the survey conducted between August 14-31 across all the 47 counties.

Westlands Member of Parliament Tim Wanyonyi was ranked first in the National Assembly category with a score of 82.6pc with Kiharu legislator Ndindi Nyoro coming in second with 78.6pc.

According to the Politrack Africa the survey was conducted through telephone calls and those polled were asked to rate their legislators and senator on a scale of 1 to 10.

The questions ranging from the number of flagship projects initiated by the legislators in the fields of health water, education and road network among others and their participation in the legislative processes.

Politrack Africa says it sampled 21,169 respondents in the survey from all the 210 constituencies and 47 counties all registered voters.

In regards to the projectedeEl Nino rains preparedness, Politrack Africa says 48pc of Kenyans are satisfied with measures already put in place by the government to deal with any eventualities.

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