Kenyan crime drama “Faithless” airs final episode of season one

KBC Digital
3 Min Read

Showmax crime drama series Faithless has wrapped up the season with all 10 episodes now available to binge.

 In the final episode titled “For Thine Is The Kingdom”, directed by King Muriuki, the conflict between Cain and Detective Dan reaches its bloody climax as Ruth, Esther, Deborah and Hope’s lives fall into total chaos, reaching irreversible turning points.

For 10 weeks, while staying on top of Showmax’s top 10 most watched titles with every new episode release, Faithless has explored the descent of four church women into crime, and how under the right (wrong) circumstances, even the most righteous are capable of falling into sin.

In Faithless, it starts with a heist, and a duffel bag full of cash that finds itself in the possession of Ruth (Beatrice Mwai), Deborah (Avril Nyambura), Hope (Fatma Mohammed) and Esther (Rosemary Waweru).

In the beginning, these women really mean well: they turn the cash in to the police and go on with their lives fundraising for their chama and doing the Lord’s work with their charity work. However, a tragedy right inside the house of God forces them to make deals with the devil – in this case, Cain (Aleks Kamau), the owner of the loot who’s looking for the most unsuspecting way to “clean” his cash. Before they know it, Ruth and her friends are neck deep in laundering drug money or whatever sources Cain gets his loot from, and doing it right in the church compound.

Throughout the season, these four friends have undergone massive transformation, from Deborah’s naivety costing her everything to Esther losing her faith to Hope paying the biggest price. But Ruth’s immoral decadence and ascent into sin is far greater than her three friends simply because, as the pastor’s wife, she starts out as the most righteous of all. She’s the woman who wears the biggest hat while sitting solemnly in the front pew as her husband, Pastor Musa (Arabron Nyyeneque), belts out sermons on repentance and rebuking the devil. She’s the one every congregant looks up to for guidance and for solace, such that when a body is found dumped in a river, she’s called upon to offer words of comfort to the mother of the deceased- who died by her hands.

With this finale, Faithless ushers in Second Family which returns on Thursday, 14 September, with the second season exploring new dynamics for the dysfunctional Gatehi-Langat family, and everyone who wants a piece of their maize-milling empire.

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