AU, GIZ launch ‘MOVE AFRICA’ to redefine migration narrative

Christine Muchira
3 Min Read

The African Union Information and Communication Directorate (AU ICD), in collaboration with the African Union Liaison Office of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) GmBH, has launched the MOVE AFRICA communications project.

This initiative aims to reshape public perceptions of migration in Africa by highlighting its role in economic resilience, innovation, and cultural diversity.

Migration in Africa is often portrayed through a crisis-centric lens, overshadowing its significant contributions to economic resilience, innovation, and cultural diversity.

Moving beyond crisis-driven narratives, MOVE AFRICA seeks to foster a more balanced, human-centered dialogue on migration, emphasising both its challenges and vast opportunities.

“In her remarks, Leslie Richer, Director of Information and Communication at the African Union Commission, highlighted the project’s role in providing journalists and storytellers with the tools, training, and resources necessary to amplify diverse voices, encourage balanced dialogue, and advance policies that ensure safe, fair, and regular migration.”

In reference to the project, Dr. Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labour, Employment & Migration at the African Union Commission, emphasized the crucial role of the media in shaping migration narratives.

He highlighted that the way migration is reported and discussed has a significant influence on public perception and policymaking.

Dr Mbokazi noted that while migration is often framed as a challenge, its potential as a catalyst for economic development, skills transfer, and social cohesion remains underrepresented.

He stressed that media professionals play a key role in reshaping public discourse by presenting migration as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon rather than a one-sided crisis.

MOVE AFRICA is a crucial and timely initiative; today, Africa is home to over 40 million international migrants, accounting for 14.5% of the global migrant population. Notably, more than 51% of these migrants reside within the continent, underscoring the importance of intra-African mobility.

Despite the vital role and growing relevance of mobility in fostering regional integration and economic growth, the implementation of continental migration policies such as the Migration Policy Framework for Africa (MPFA), the AU Free Movement of Persons Protocol (AU FMP) and the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) need to be further promoted.

“As part of the ongoing efforts of the AU and other stakeholders on the continent, MOVE AFRICAwas developed to raise awareness and promote dialogue on mobility challenges and opportunities, fostering greater political will and public support for migration-friendly policies. Together, these initiatives work toward a more integrated and economically dynamic Africa, where migration serves as a driver of development rather than a challenge to be managed.” Kokebe Hailegabriel – Head of Project Support to the African Union on Labour Migration and Free Movement of Persons.

The MOVE AFRICA project is proud to introduce its grantees, a group of exceptional African owned organizations tasked with implementing the objectives of this initiative, through awareness campaigns, media engagement, capacity-building workshops, and policy dialogues, will help reshape migration narratives, challenge misconceptions, and amplify migrant voices.

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