The second day hearing of a case pitting a Rwandese Investor Desire Muhiyunza and a Kenyan Businessman Kirimi Koome over ownership of an online Company took a twist on Wednesday.
This is after Koome failed to produce documents for registration of the Company saying he had appointed his advocate by the name Harry Bob to deal with the registration of the company.
The duo are fighting over the ownership of the Company trading as StayOnline Limited.
While being cross examined by Senior Counsel Danstan Omari, Koome could not produce a supporting document to show that the Company belonged to him.
The evidence adduced before High Court Judge Alfred Mabeya showed that the Company is registered in Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia and is owned by Desire.
The Rwandese Investor produced documents which showed that Kirimi transfered 20,000 USD to his personal account domiciled at Equity Bank Meru branch and further transferred 100,000 dollars to his account as well.

However he could not explain the source of the money nor could he state whether he knew similar companies existed and operated in Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia.
The battery of lawyers led by Danstan Omari, Shadrack Wambui, Sophie Nekesa and Omaiyo Aranga proved to the court indeed there existed companies in the three countries including their respective website.
Koome is said to have fraudulently transferred Ksh 400 Million to the Law firm of Ann Munene the amount which is the subject matter of a commercial dispute and criminal case facing him.
The court was told that Koome upon being introduced to Desire, he presented himself as man of high status quo and in a position to introduce Desire to Very Important Persons and he was a rich man owning real estates and hotels which he failed to name.
When Lawyer Danstan Omari questioned him about his academic qualification he failed to provide evidence that indeed he studied in the United States of America as he had purported.
The hearing continues Thursday.