CoG wants SRC to withdraw proposed salary increments for County State Officers

Christine Muchira
1 Min Read

The Council of Governors (COG) has urged the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to immediately withdraw the proposed salary increments for all County State Officers.

In a statement, the COG Chairperson Ann Waiguru stressed that this is the noble thing to do as Kenyans collectively reflect on where the country is at.

This following the SRC Gazette Notice No. 177 of 9th August 2023 on remuneration and benefits of state officers including County Governments.

“In view of this, the Council of Governors urges the Salaries and Remuneration Commission to immediately withdraw the proposed salary increments for all County State Officers including; Governors, Deputy Governors and County Executive Committee Members.” Said Waiguru.

Waiguru noted that the country is currently facing harsh economic times that require austerity measures and fiscal discipline and responsibility.



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