Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has reminded the Ministry’s parastatal heads to ensure that their agencies operate within the confines of established laws and regulations at all times.
Speaking during a meeting with parastatal heads in the State Department for Environment & Climate Change, Duale singled out Public Finance Management Act & Public Procurement and Disposal Act as well as Auditor General reports as key laws and regulations that must be adhered to at all times.
“Be diligent to the law. It is the law that will guarantee your success as an institution and protect you from trouble,” Duale told the officials that included Mamo Mamo (NEMA), Prof Julius Tanui (KWTA), Samson Toniok (NetFund) Mary Njogu (NECC) and Bellinda Akello (NET).
While cautioning the officials against issuing misleading advisories to his office, Duale encouraged the CEOs to ensure timely delivery of programmes, projects and interventions.

The meeting, also attended by Environment and Climate Change PS Dr. Eng. Festus Ng’eno, was convened to asses the progress of various projects being implemented by the agencies.