ISACA Kenya to equip 250 students with key tech skills

Ronald Owili
3 Min Read

250 recent graduates in Kenya are set to gain competent technical skills in four technology areas under an initiative by the Information, Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Kenya Chapter.

Through the Ksh 58 million programme, ISACA Kenya Chapter President Mercy Omollo says the students drawn from three technical vocational education and training institution will be trained on cybersecurity, data protection, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence for a period of 18 months.

“We are excited to be at the forefront of a transformative project that will shape Kenya’s future in the digital economy. Our collaboration with Scratch and Script Company and the Africa Blockchain Institute strengthens our capability to operate in powerful consortiums, paving the way for future partnerships and growth,” said Mercy Omollo, President of ISACA Kenya Chapter.

Despite producing thousands of graduates annually, local firms still decry the lack of sufficient skilled manpower in new technologies such as cybersecurity, data protection, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence.

ISACA Kenya Chapter in partnership with Scratch and Script Company Limited and the Africa Blockchain Institute (ABI) says the training which will also include 20 instructors from Sigalagala National Polytechnic and Kabete Technical Training Institute and Pwani TVET will ensure there is enough skills pool that can be utilized by local companies.

“Our partnership will equip students and educators with the tools to excel in the digital economy, creating outcomes that benefit not only the youth and TVET institutions but also employers seeking a skilled and future-ready workforce,” said Brencil Kaimba, Senior Vice President of Product Strategy at Scratch and Script.

Through the Ksh 48 million grant by AUDA-NEPAD, the three organizations will also contribute additional 9.5 million towards training.

Under the programme, the selected students will undergo an 18 month Inspiring Growth and Nurturing Innovation through Technology Empowerment (IGNITE) programme to sharpen their skills and increase their employment chances and explore entrepreneurship.

“We believe that by fostering innovation and nurturing a strong foundation in blockchain, we are paving the way for a new generation of African leaders to drive impactful change and propel Africa’s Digital Economy to new heights. Eventually, we aim to unlock potential, fuel creativity, and create a vibrant ecosystem where skills can thrive and impacts can be amplified,” added Timileyin Arowosola, ABI director.

The programme is further expected to help Kenya enhance its human capacity in the selected technological fields.

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