MoH confirms two more Mpox cases in Makueni, Kajiado

Christine Muchira
2 Min Read

The Ministry of Health has confirmed two new Mpox cases from Makueni and Kajiado counties.

This brings the total number of Mpox cases in Kenya to seven.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Health, the cases are distributed in seven counties that is; Taita Taveta, Busia, Nakuru, Mombasa, Nairobi, Makueni and Kajiado with each county having one case each.

The health ministry says there are no deaths that have been reported so far among the confirmed cases.

“In the last 24 hours 16,033 travellers have been screened at points of entry (POE) contributing to a total of 1,002,621 travellers screened across the 26 POEs since the outbreaks began.” Read the statement.

Adding that: “The National Public Health laboratory NPHL has tested 190 samples from 28 counties , with seven testing positive. 178 negative and 5 samples currently being tested.”

The ministry has urged the public to continue observing the following recommended Mpox prevention measures; avoid close physical contact with infected individuals or persons showing symptoms of Mpox.

Similarly the ministry says public should not touch items such as bedding or clothing that have been used by an infected individuals.

The public was also advised to limit the number of sexual partners to reduce the risk of exposure and asked to wash hands regularly with soap and water or use alcohol based hand sanitiser.

Further members of public should avoid contact with wild animals and refrain from consuming bushmeat.

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