Mombasa Governor Nassir welcomes amendments to the Finance Bill, 2024

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Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has expressed support for the proposed amendments by the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning to controversial clauses of the Finance Bill, 2024, ahead of its tabling on Tuesday.

Speaking at Ronald Ngala Primary School Grounds on Monday during the Eid-ul-Adha prayer, Governor Nassir urged MPs to prioritize the nation’s interests by considering public input on the Finance Bill, 2024.

“I have been informed that the National Assembly Finance Committee has proposed amendments to clauses in the Finance Bill, 2024. I have been reliably informed the committee will table its recommendations on Tuesday,” said Governor Nassir.

He emphasized the importance of legislators reviewing the committee’s recommendations, consulting their constituents, and adhering to party positions to ensure that public proposals are incorporated.

The Governor also addressed the One Man One Shilling debate, asserting that each county deserves its fair share of revenue.

While acknowledging Mombasa’s significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its large population, he argued against supporting the One Man One Shilling proposal to the detriment of neighbouring counties such as Lamu, Tana River, and Kwale.

Nassir highlighted that revenue sharing should consider multiple factors, including contributions to GDP, poverty levels, and urban indices.

Regarding the issue of Muguka, Governor Nassir clarified that his stance is not against any county or leaders from Muguka-growing areas but is based on concerns about its impact on youth.

“It is statistically proven that it is affecting our young people. We have evidence that 30 per cent of Muguka consumers in Mombasa are children below the age of 18 years,” he said.

Nassir stressed the importance of taking action now to prevent worsening problems in the future.

Mvita MP Mohamed Machele also spoke at the event, urging well-off Muslims to remember the less fortunate during Eid-ul-Adha.

As a Finance and National Planning Committee member, Machele confirmed that public participation had concluded and that the report would be tabled on Tuesday.

He praised the public for their engagement and encouraged MPs to consider public opinion during the amendment and debate process in the National Assembly.

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