Cushion Kenyans on high costs of living urges Governor Njuki

KBC Digital
2 Min Read

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki is calling on President William Ruto to institute measures that will cushion Kenyans from the vagaries of the high cost of living while asking Kenyans to be patient.

Speaking at the Chuka DC grounds during the Jamhuri day celebrations, Governor Njuki said Kenyans were becoming weary of the status as is and it was incumbent of the Kenya Kwanza government to reign in on the current status.

Consequently, governor Njuki has lauded President Ruto’s administration in its efforts of settling the country’s debt, noting the debt levels were now becoming manageable.

His sentiments coming at a time President Ruto has noted that the country is out of a debt distress level and now on a path to recovery, and also at a time the Kenya Revenue Authority has announced collection of a trillion shillings.

But even as governor Njuki calls of the President to reign in on the run away cost of living, he has asked the president to crack the whip on officials at the Kenya Power and lighting company whom he accuses of sabotaging the country’s power.

According to Governor Njuki, Kenya Power, which is a monopoly, is not living up to the expectations of Kenyans who are already paying high electricity bills.

Njuki says the KPLC was seriously letting Kenyans down yet President Ruto’s agenda to partner with counties to set up industrial parks in counties is pegged heavily on power.

Njuki, who is also the Council of Governors health committee chairperson says it is unfathomable that a country like Kenya, which ranks highly amongst its peers in the region, can have frequent power outages affecting the country’s main airport, yet no key action is taken.

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