DGSN to Promote International Security Cooperation in 2024

KBC Digital
2 Min Read

The General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) plans to modernize police infrastructure and services in 2024, aiming to meet citizens’ expectations and enhance international security cooperation.

The institution will create an international police training center in Ifrane, which will serve as a regional and international training hub for Moroccan police and security executives.

The goal is to implement the Royal Vision, strengthening South-South cooperation relations and consolidating coordination and training mechanisms in the field of security.

The DGSN also plans to generalise language teaching centers in various police training schools and improve training techniques in sports security and managing major events. Two security training schools will be opened in Casablanca and Marrakech to support regionalization.

In 2024, the DGSN will roll out the information system for managing criminal cases and misdemeanors to all police districts, digitize judicial police services at the national level, and deploy mobile teams to issue electronic national identity cards at regional commands.

New security centers will be built tailored to citizens’ needs, including a new police station at Beni Bouaayach, a police station at the Mohammed V Mausoleum in Rabat, and the headquarters of the 3rd police district in Rabat.

A pilot clinic will be built at the new DGSN headquarters to motivate civil servants and diversify health services for the DGSN family. Social services are also completing studies to build vacation centers in Martil and Moulay Bouselham.

The DGSN plans to organize the fifth edition of the DGSN Open Days event in Agadir next year to communicate with citizens in all regions of the Kingdom.

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