National Committee on Review of New University Education Funding Model launched

Christine Muchira
2 Min Read

Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Migos Ogamba Tuesday afternoon joined the Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei for the launch of the National Committee on Review of the New University Education Funding Model.

In his speech, the CS highlighted that the aim of the New Funding Model is to mainstream equity in financing university and TVET students through a combination of scholarships and loans.

He noted that for the last two years during its implementation, the model almost doubled the resources flowing to our universities which had been increasing at a modest 5 percent each year.

“By appointing the National Committee on Review of the New University Education Funding Model, President William Ruto underscored the commitment by His government to ensure accountability, transparency, and broad-based participation in formulating and refining its policies.” The CS said.

The strategic leap in the growth of resources put many universities on a recovery path from the huge pending bills with full recovery anticipated in three to four years.

CS Ogamba also noted that despite gains made, his Ministry recognizes the fact that any model is a work in progress and that the New Funding Model presents multiple opportunities for further innovation and refinement.

The CS welcomed everyone’s collective wisdom as well as feedback from Kenyans to ensure that the financing of higher education in Kenya is not only fitfor-purpose, but that the policy is fully embraced and remains at the heart of every student and their families.

Consequently, he gave his assurance that his Ministry shall provide a conducive working environment for the National Committee to deliver on its mandate effectively and efficiently.

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