Nairobi City County health, Wellness and Nutrition staff awarded for great work towards tobacco control

KBC Digital
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The Public Health Head of Tobacco Control Unit Anthony Muthemba has emerged the winner (Individual category) of World No-Tobacco Day (WNTD) 2023.

Mr. Muthemba is also the tobacco control liaison officer for Nairobi City County with the Tobacco Control Board-Secretariat.

“Every year, the World Health Organization presents awards to individuals, organizations, or institutions that show great work ethics towards tobacco control during World No-Tobacco Day. And this year, they have identified Mr Muthemba’s exemplary performance. We are extremely proud of his achievements,” Nairobi Health County Executive Dr. Anastasia Nyalita said

The Chief Officer Public Health Mr. Tom Nyakaba said it’s an honour for Nairobi County to be recognised by WHO for the great work done by Mr. Muthemba.

“As a sub-sector, we are extremely proud and excited to continue the good work. Tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke kills over 8 million people every year. Approximately 6,000 Kenyans die every year from tobacco related complications and a further 1,200 from exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco use poses a major risk factor to Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs), hence the importance of tobacco control,” he said

“As we celebrate this win, we need to be do more to empower the Tobacco Control Unit with a dynamic, multi-faceted and multi-sectoral approach to help in the fight against tobacco and nicotine products which are associated with the country’s disease burden of NCD’s. This aligns with Governor Johnson Sakaja’s manifesto to have new approach to the management of the entire public health sector.” added Nyakaba

On his part, Muthemba revealed that in October 2010, he launched the Tobacco Control Unit (1st in the country and county) and still the only one in all the 47 counties at county governments level

“Thirteen (13) years later, this has come full circle, and this achievement is a great encouragement to continue the journey. I am keen on Policy and legislation development (with special interest in tobacco control),” said MMuthemba

“I have participated in development of various tobacco control policies that is National Tobacco Control Strategic Plan 2019-2023, Tobacco Control enforcement strategy and participated in tobacco control enforcement capacity building in various counties inorder to ensure comprehensive measures to protect our people.” he disclosed

Tobacco control is anchored on the tenets of the WHO-FCTC and tobacco control legal framework in Kenya consists of, the Tobacco Control Act, 2007, Tobacco Control Regulations, 2014, and the Public Health (control of shisha smoking) Rules, 2017.

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